Signs, Wonders and Miracles Issue 121
Signs,Wonders and Miracles Fall 2011
Signs,Wonders and Miracles Spring 2011
By Anita Swain
In 1993 I was given three years to live. I was diagnosed with having non Hodgkin's lymphoma and full blown AIDS. The doctors told me I would be a vegetable. I would have to go into a nursing home, and I would have to give custody of my daughter to my mother. Being brought up in a Christian home where my mother was an evangelist, I knew the power of prayer. I had just came back to the Lord after a backsliding state and was embarking on starting a church.
I told the doctors that I would not die but I would live because God was going to heal me. The doctors went into the next room and said “If God was going to heal her why did he not keep her from getting it.” Then they started laughing. I still held on to my Faith. At that time they did not have as many medicines as they have now and they said my prognosis was no more than there years. I started seeking the Lord like never before. I wanted to live and I wanted to raise my daughter. I called everyone to make a prayer line to touch and agree. I started fasting and asking people at church to pray for me. The doctors wanted to give me radiation treatments for the lymphoma. I refused. They wanted me to take medicine for AIDS. I refused. If it was going just to extend my life by six month why take it. I was going to rely on Jesus Christ to have the final answer.
One day a friend of mine, who also is a local pastor in Cincinnati, gave me a word from the Lord. You shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. I held on to that word. I held on the word of the Lord with every breath that I took because if God's not going to do it, It's not going to get done. I had to go to the clinic every week. One week I would see the other patients and the next week they would be gone home to be with God. I remembered all the promises that God had given me for my life. I knew God was not a liar, if He said He would do it. I had to believe him. Talk about being an outcast, when people hear your diagnoses (especially back then) you where an outcast. But God gave me the power and strength to go through people talking about me, and the doctors talking too. The doctors even said that I needed to go to counseling to accept death. God then started doing something within me. My T-cells count started going up. I was not losing weight, I started gaining. Everything the doctors said about me God started doing the opposite. Where it seem like death was taking over, the Spirit of Jesus, the spirit of life started arising. God made the virus undetectable in my body. They advise me to continue going to the clinic.
In 1996, Again the doctors gave me three years to live. This is 2007 I am still here. I work full time, now have a daughter and a son. Since then I have been married, but now divorced and a single parent. Whenever God opens the door, I minister the Word of Jesus Christ. No matter what you may be going through, no matter what has been taken from you, or what the devil says about you God has the final answer. If God says live then you shall live.
Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall prosper! I am still learning to trust in him, and I am still learning how to love him. He is the giver of life. He has given me another chance when others said I would die. I love and praise Jesus Christ. Just remember that Jesus has the final answer to every trial, every situation you will encounter.
By Patrick Kirk
In Mid August 2001, a dear Sister in Christ called to ask us to come to minister to some Messianic Jews in Green Bay, Wisconsin. My Wife and I ended up on her doorstep on Sept. 10, 2001, which of course s you know, THE VERY DAY BEFORE 09/11/2001! On Sept. 11, 2001, we watched all of the sad events unfolding before our eyes like everyone else in our Nation! I spent the whole day weeping in prophetic travail over our Nation, Israel, and other prophetic reasons! At the end of that day, I was spiritually and physically SPENT, so that when my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light!
In the vision/dream & translation by The Holy Spirit, I heard the sound of a whirlwind and then I saw myself suspended above the earth in a position where I looked down upon ALL the continents. And I said: "Lord, where am I?" I heard The Lord say to me: "Son of The Republic, look, learn, and listen!" Then, I heard the sound of a whirlwind again; and I found myself beside this HUGE wall where there were many white-haired, and white-bearded Jewish men with their Prayer Shawls (Tallits) over their heads in deep and intense prayer! I did not dare to interrupt their prayer time; but, when there seemed to be a lull in their prayers, I respectfully leaned into the man on my left and whispered: "Where am I?" He smiled and gently said: "You don't know my Son? Your are standing at the Western Wall--The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, Israel! My Nation and my People need your prayers! My name is Benjamin. Will you please pray with me?" I then took both of his hands and we earnestly prayed together. As soon as our prayer ended, it was the next morning at 9 AM. I said nothing to my Wife (who is now deceased) and I said nothing to our precious Hostess.
I went to freshen for the day; and when I came out of the bathroom, our Hostess smiled widely and said: "Well, good morning, Brother Patrick, did you enjoy your time at The Western Wall in Jerusalem last night?" God prophetically revealed to Alice that God had translated me in The Holy Spirit for Ministry at the Western Wall with Benjamin to confirm what HE had sovereingnly done!
I moved to Columbus, Ohio in October 2004, and I had two Messianic Jews, residing with me for two months in the midst of their being on the verge of being homeless. BUT, I said : "Not on my Watch-- the House of Israel is NOT going to be homeless!
God drew us into Ministry together with some Spirit-filled, Gentile Believers in December of 2004. We were going to the Jewish-Christian Fellowship Center on College Avenue in Bexley, in Columbus, Ohio.
As we entered the Building I was drawn to an older, white-haired, white-bearded man who had his Prayer Shawl draped over his right arm! When I got about three feet from him he audibly gasped and said: " Oh, Jehovah, Brother Patrick!! You prayed with me at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Israel on September 11, 2001!! My name is BENJAMIN!! Do you remember me?" God sent Beloved Benjamin here IN THE FLESH to the Jewish-Christian Fellowship Center in December 2004 as FURTHER prophetic confirmation of the miraculous translation in The Holy Spirit that HE had done in my life!
In May 2002 we received a phone call from two Christian Pastors and dear Friends to come to their home for dinner. They told me to be sure to bring the "Ministry Arsenal", which refers to the Praise and Worship Flags; tambourines; tallit; SHOFAR (the ancient trumpet of Israel- also known as a SHOFAR; etc! They also shared with us that HER mother (Margaret) whom they said was having problems with diabetes and other complications and who was soon due to enter into Assisted Living Care.
Throughout the entire meal, the Holy Spirit kept telling me: "Tonight is Margaret's night to receive!" I kept hearing it being repeated in my spirit! When we retired to their family room after our dinner, I turned to Margaret and said: "Margaret, the Holy Spirit has been telling me repeatedly, that TONIGHT is YOUR night to receive! I don't presume to know exactly what THAT is!! BUT, if you will get out of the boat and are sure to keep your eyes on Jesus, TONIGHT is your night to receive of The Lord!" I then told everyone present that whatever was there that did NOT come from God and/or whatever did NOT originate in God was about to receive an ETERNAL EVICTION NOTICE!!! I suggested to my Wife that she aim her SHOFAR out the back door so that whatever did NOT belong there was about to make its exit!
I then aimed my SHOFAR at Margaret's stomach in the area of her pancreas. With the FIRST blast of the SHOFAR; she smiled widely with tears, rolling down her face!! Soon, both her Daughter and Son-in-law fell out in The Spirit! Then, Margaret jumped and shouted: "Oh, my God, I do NOT have any pain anywhere!!" Margaret was totally healed of diabetes by God; and she never did go into assisted living! God chose to heal her because I dared to believe that if I were faithful to sound the shofar over Margaret that HE would heal her by the faith she had in Jesus!!! To GOD be the eternal glory, for the GREAT and MIGHTY deeds HE has done! Zephaniah 3:17 - "The LORD, Your God, in the midst of thee, is MIGHTY!"
John 14:6 says : "Then, Jesus saith unto him, I am the way; the truth; and the life: no man cometh to My Father, but by Me!" Acts 4:12 tells us: "Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven, given among men, by which we must be saved." Acts 2:38 says: "Then, Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of The Holy Ghost." Jesus Christ proved His Position in/with The Heavenly Father with signs, wonders, and miracles that irrefutably proved His Origin, Power, and Authority! AND, most importantly, Jesus Christ arose victoriously from the dead, conquering sin; death; hell; and the grave for us through His Shed Blood on the Cross of Calvary!!! NO other religious leader ( living or dead) can claim that reality and truth!! They are ALL still very dead the grave! 1 Corinthians 15:55-57 tell us: "O, death, where is thy sting? O, grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." In Loving Service to ALL of the Sons of The Kingdom of God, I remain, In Christ Jesus, Brother Patrick A. Kirk: